Bags I regret selling…

The Birkin 35 is an absolute workhorse! My Birkin 35 was in Clemence leather, so it was super soft and squishy. It was also heavy, in very used condition, and huge on my frame - but I loved it dearly. This was my first ever Hermes purchase. I bought it pre-loved from Fashionphile and it started a domino effect. Oran sandals, a Birkin 30, and many twillys followed soon after this purchase. The B35 will always hold a special place in my heart.

My caviar Chanel Jumbo was my absolute favorite bag for years. I loved the size, the heavy chain, and the durability of the caviar leather. About a year ago, I decided to give up all my Chanel Jumbos (and most of my Chanel bags) to focus more on my Hermes collection. I don’t regret purchasing Hermes bags instead, but I do miss my Jumbo dearly. This is the one bag, I’m likely going to repurchase at some point. I recently purchased a few new bags (and yes, they’re Hermes) so I’m trying to wait at least a few more months before buying something else.

I love everything about the Chanel Wallet on Chain. It’s the perfect bag for clubbing, concerts, and travel. The problem was that I don’t do any of these things enough to justify having a bag worth $3,000. I sold this bag to purchase a bag I use much more often (a Hermes Kelly). I purchased a $195 Coach bag to replace it and I think that will work just fine for my current lifestyle. If you tend to go out a lot or if you’re a frequent traveler who needs a small bag that can easily fit in your suitcase, I cannot recommend this bag enough!

This was one of the first designer bags I ever purchased. I sold this bag to finance my move to Los Angeles from Michigan back in 2017. I absolutely loved this bag, it was a perfect size. I would say it’s pretty similar to the Birkin 25 (at a fraction of the price). The reason it was even better (at least in theory) is that it has a crossbody strap. I’ve thought about repurchasing this bag several times, but it never really felt right. I think I’m ready to officially close the Celine Nano chapter of my life.


What makes the Hermes Mini Kelly so special, and why is it so expensive? 


Birkin 25 vs Birkin 30